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The United States Election.

As many of you know (and some are terrified), President-Elect Donald Trump is about to be sworn in. And I agree, I am a little concerned myself. I am more of a Bernie Sanders, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden type of person myself. I could care less for Hillary Clinton. But my opinion is that we voted on this issue. More of a poll but that's how our "democracy" works. And the Electoral College then voted for us in December (got one about them too). And people can be screaming their heads off or that he's not my President and I have some things to say. First off, you are correct, to a point. As of now, January 17th, he is not. After the moment he is sworn in, he is. I don't care if you didn't vote for him, I can't legally vote and I have had to endure 4 presidents now, including him. (Born in '99, had to face good 'ole Bill). Get over it people, the people and states all voted on the matter and he won. If you didn't like that, then maybe you should have voted third party. Yes, third party! I did say that! So many people don't is because we have a mindset and that our vote is a wasted one and it is until we can challenge it. If everyone who was dissatisfied with the Presidential Nominees voted third party like Libertarians or the Green Party or even the Socialist Party, things would be different. It would encourage parties to work together, more co-operation, or a deadlocked system which we already have. That was my second thing, political parties and the voting system. Thirdly and lastly, get over it. I didn't hear this when Obama was elected or when Bush was re-elected (and those are both pushing it). I mean, you people are adults. Your crying and complaining when I have accepted the facts and truths. Do I like them? Not really. Do I like Trump? Absolutely not. But do I find some of his policies intriguing and possibly like them even though I wish not to acknowledge it? Yes, yes I very much so. The world is at a cross roads. Brexit and Trump. Where will the world will go? It's in the hands of Trump. And the British government, since it's very weird and confusing on how it works. But this could be the rising of America and making it great again, or this could be the downfall and disaster, the humiliation of America. Only time will tell.

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