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U.S. Election, 2016.

So, as many of you know, we just had an election. And I have seen people posting things. And I've been thinking about it for the past two days and I have decided to share my thoughts. Now, I have talked to people about this and my friends about it. But I decided to let everyone on Facebook now since I don't talk to everyone daily. Here it goes. Around 240 years ago, the soon to be United States rebelled against a tyrannical government (or so we saw them) and we fought. We fought for seven hard and long years. A lot of people died on both sides, but at the end of the dark tunnel, there was a light and it was us. We had won, and set up the Articles of Confederation.It lasted for four years until we realized it wasn't working so we came up with the Constitution and the Amendments, the first modern democracy. And we then elected Washington. And Washington said something in his farewell speech which was very wise and I'll sum it up, do not create political parties. Well, as we can see, we failed him. But the parties have helped us over the years. Without the Party of Lincoln (I mean the 1860s party, not the modern day one), slavery wouldn't have been abolished as quickly. And without FDR, we wouldn't have risen out of the Great Depression like the phoenix we are. And America is a phoenix. We have had recessions, depressions, even a civil war and we have come together and rebuilt and came out stronger then we entered. Fast forward to now. I am writing this as not condemning or praising Trump or Clinton or Sanders or anyone. I am writing this to show that if you think the U.S. is in trouble, we will come out of this stronger. And if you are not worried about this, then everything is alright. I just want you to know, that at the end of the day, we are always Americans. We are brothers and sisters. And however this will end up, I want to let everyone know, that no matter how you voted, I love every single one of you. Have a nice day and take care.

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